Nov 15, 2011 | Entertainment
【康州UNCASVILLE市2011年11月11日訊】 — 繼承悠悠2700年中華傳統絕活精髓的金龍雜技團(Golden Dragon Acrobats)不單在美國廣受好評,而且蜚聲國際,被譽為當代最優秀的中華雜技巡迴表演藝團。雜技團將於12月16日(星期五)晚上8時蒞臨康州金神體育館登台,為美東僑胞獻上一場別開生面的表演,讓您見識遠古雜技之美,大開眼界。
2005年11月,金龍雜技團首次踏足全球演藝聖地紐約百老匯及在最適合闔家欣賞節目的New Victory Theater表演,所有門票旋即被一掃而空。雜技團連續六週在此施展混身解數,令老老少少觀眾無不拍案叫絕,每每起立報以熱烈掌聲與歡呼,而且更獲得紐約媒體一致好評,可謂叫好又叫座。
2011年標誌著金龍雜技團在美國的連續巡迴表演已踏入第32個年頭。總部設於德州達拉斯市的金龍雜技團足跡不單遍佈全美50州,更到過全球五大洲超過65個國家,神 乎其技的演出令無數人嘆為觀止。成員多來自中國河北省的雜技團於過去四年在美國大陸 48個州主要城市巡迴表演,所到之處幾乎場場爆滿,而且金龍雜技團至今仍然是美國唯一一個全年無休巡迴表演的中國雜技團。
康州金神體育館近期被樂壇雜誌《Billboard Magazine》評為最佳場館第4位,而且更獲「鄉村音樂頒獎典禮」(Country Music Award)選為「2010年年度賭場」。查詢演唱會更多資訊與金神其他精彩活動,請瀏覽網站。如果想知道金神本週最新動態,請致電娛樂及特別活動熱線:1.888.226.7711分機27163。
Oct 31, 2011 | Entertainment
票價分為$138.00、$88.00、$58.00與$38.00四種,由紐約「環球娛樂製作有限公司」(IEM)發售,歌迷請致電:718.888.3113或瀏覽該公司網站: 洽購門票。
來自馬來西亞歌手梁靜茹(英文名Fish Leong)從1999年出道至今共發行了12張專輯和2張精選大碟,共14張.1999年9月發行第一張個人專輯「一夜長大>後,其音樂潛力便得到了業界的肯定,獲得了TVBS娛樂新聞民調最有潛力新人第2名.不到一年,梁靜茹新專輯<勇氣>問世後紅遍了整個亞洲,主打歌「勇氣」更是令她一夜成名.之後她再接再厲,一連發行了「閃亮的星」、「Sunrise」、「美麗人生」、「燕尾蝶」、「今天情人節」等十多張專輯.中國大陸電視著名相親節目「非誠勿擾」將「可惜不是你」一曲選作配樂,該曲更是傳遍大街小巷.
康州金神大賭場今年喜迎15週年,慶祝活動接連不斷,11月10日至11月13日將舉辦「紐約週」融入紐約的別樣風情。具體詳情請瀏覽中文網站,或關注金神中文資訊更新,或致電亞洲市場部貴賓免費熱線:1.877.999.9977。金神體育館被重要樂壇雜誌《Billboard Magazine》評為最佳場館第4位,去年更獲「鄉村音樂頒獎典禮」(Country Music Award)選為「2010年年度賭場」。
梁靜茹,黃品源演唱會影像資料 Fish_Man
Jul 6, 2010 | Community Relations, Entertainment, Special Events
Steven Ma and special guest Louis Yuen with Jessie Liu host event where thirteen contestants compete for the title (Click here for Chinese)
A major event in the entertainment world, the annual Miss NY Chinese Beauty Pageant, will be holding its final competition at Mohegan Sun Arena on Sunday, August 22nd at 1:00am. Thirteen finalists will perform to showcase their grace and talent during this remarkable evening.
Tickets are $128.00 (VIP tickets), $75.00 & $50.00 and can be purchased through Miss NY Chinese Beauty Pageant, Inc. based out of New York by calling 347.829.6692 and 212.219.7688 or through
To mark this special evening, the finale at Mohegan Sun will feature a popular leading man of TVB, Mr. Steven Ma with special guest Louis Yuen. The show will be hosted by the 2002 Miss New York Chinese winner Jessie Liu. Ma is a singer and actor and has starred in numerous popular TV dramas and has received several awards from TVB including “The Favorite Television Character” Award for Safe Guards.
Louis Yuen is also a TVB actor who started his career as a finalist in the 5th TVB New Talent Singing Awards. Yuen then became more popular for co-hosting the Super Trio Series with Eric Tsang. These two stars will witness the crowning of a beautiful and talented contestant at Mohegan Sun.
The event is produced by the Miss NY Chinese Beauty Pageant Committee, co-produced by TVB (USA) Inc., with Mohegan Sun as the special sponsor. This year marks the ninth anniversary of the Miss NY Chinese Beauty Pageant and thirteen young ladies will make it to the finale. The winner will receive a grand prize of cash and gifts and will represent New York in the Miss Chinese International Pageant held in Hong Kong. This may also lead to stardom as all finalists will have the chance to be selected for Hairun Media Company’s acting roles in a TV drama series. In addition to crowning the winner and two runners-up, the pageant committee will also award titles such as “Miss Talent,” “Miss Photogenic,” “ Miss Internet Popularity,” “Best Dressed” and “Miss Congeniality.” During the final competition, audiences may also vote to select the “Most Popular Contestant,” which will bring more excitement to the evening.
Mohegan Sun Arena is ranked the 4th best venue by Billboard Magazine and was the 2008 recipient of a Country Music Award for “Casino of The Year.” For more information on concerts and other great events at Mohegan Sun, visit For information on this week’s schedule, call the Asian Marketing Hotline: 1.877.999.9977.
Apr 13, 2010 | Entertainment, General News
First U.S. tour will be coming to the Arena on June 20th (Click here for Chinese)
S.H.E. x Gary Chaw Crossover Live will be performing at Mohegan Sun Arena Sunday, June 20th. The show will have two performances; the first at 2:00am and the second at 2:00pm.
Tickets are $168.00, $128.00, $88.00 and $48.00 and go on sale Friday, April 16th. Tickets can be purchased through on Sunday Entertainment Concepts, Inc. based out of New York at 646.602.6262 or visit
S.H.E is a Taiwanese girl group formed in 2001 and named after the first letter of each member’s first name – Selina, Hebe and Ella. S.H.E. has recorded twelve albums with sales exceeding 4.5 million, and set ticketing records in each of their two concert tours in Asia. The group received an award for “Best Group” at the Golden Melody Awards in 2003 and is also an eight-time winner of the Global Chinese Music Award for “Best Group” given annually by a group of seven radio stations.
S.H.E will kick off their first out-of-Asia World Tour at Mohegan Sun with another popular singer, Gary Chaw. Chaw is renowned for his great stage charisma, wide vocal range and rich voice and has achieved huge success in Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. He also does a lot of compositions and wrote many chart-topping songs in Taiwan for other singers including Aaron Kwok and S.H.E. Chaw won “Best Mandarin Singer” at the Golden Melody Awards in 2008 and his most recent concert tour of Asia, “Welcome To My World,” was a great success.
Mohegan Sun Arena is ranked the 4th best venue by Billboard Magazine and was the 2008 recipient of a Country Music Award for “Casino of The Year.” For more information on concerts and other great events at Mohegan Sun, visit For information on this week’s schedule, call the Asian Marketing Hotline at 1.888.999.9977.
Feb 5, 2010 | Community Relations, Entertainment, Special Events
Mohegan Sun celebrates the Year of the Tiger on February 21st (Click here for Chinese)
Get ready to ring in the Year of the Tiger as Mohegan Sun gears up for the Chinese New Year on Sunday, February 21st. To commemorate the longest and most significant Chinese holiday, Mohegan Sun will host a variety of events including renowned Mandarin Pop band SuperBand at Mohegan Sun Arena, a traditional Lion Dance, the Money God, an appearance by Miss New York Chinese 2009, special menus at Sunrise Square and extraordinary bus giveaways.
The celebration begins with two performances from Taiwanese Mandarin Pop sensations, SuperBand formed by four veteran singers; Lo Ta-yu, Jonathan Lee, Wakin Chau and Chang Chen-yue at Mohegan Sun Arena on Sunday, February 21st. The first show will be at 2:00am with a follow-up performance at 2:00pm. Tickets are $168.00, $128.00, $88.00 and $58.00 and can be purchased through International Entertainment Marketing based out of New York at 718.888.3113 or through
In addition, guests throughout Mohegan Sun will be mesmerized with a traditional Lion Dance which symbolizes exorcising evil spirits and summoning luck and fortune. The Lion Dance will start at 1:00pm, heading from Sunrise Square to The Shops at Mohegan Sun, throughout Casino of the Sky and to Casino of the Wind. The Money God and Miss NY Chinese 2009 will be present in The Shops at Mohegan Sun concourse from noon to 1:00pm, handing out red envelopes symbolizing good luck as well as Money God posters which attracts wealth and prosperity. Photo opportunities will also be available.
Special dishes will be served at a number of the restaurants at Mohegan Sun. Bamboo Forest will be open from February 13th through February 21st for dinner, excluding February 17th and 18th; the not-so-secret ingredient is seafood as it is incorporated into over half the dishes including Good Fortune, an eight-piece dish of dried oysters, two pieces of Shiitake mushrooms and dehydrated vegetables over a bed of lettuce in light brown sauce. Other dishes include Steamed Whole Fish which symbolizes a wish for surpluses and bountiful harvests every year.
Guests can also enjoy an array of festive meals at The Cove’s Noodle Bar. There guests will have their choice of a number of soups including Shrimp & Pork Wonton Soup, Beef Noodle Soup and varieties of Congee. Some of the specialties and dim sum meals for the evening include Steamed Clams, Roasted Duck and Lau Mai Gai, a mixture of rice, chicken and sausage wrapped in a bamboo leaf. Sunrise Square will be serving a special event menu during the holiday with varieties of Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese cuisines and special festive dishes including Golden Shrimp and Sauteed Crabmeat with Pea Leaves.
Getting to Mohegan Sun just got easier and more convenient as several bus companies from New York and Massachusetts have teamed up with Mohegan Sun to offer an exceptional package to the bus travelers. In addition to the $65.00 bus package from Manhattan or Flushing, New York and $75.00 bus package from Brooklyn, New York and Massachusetts; starting February 14th and running through February 25th, bus travelers will receive a lucky red envelope containing cash anywhere from $5.00 to $1,000 or a $10.00 match play coupon upon arrival, excluding from 4:00pm, February 20th to 4:00pm, February 21st.
Mohegan Sun, owned by the Mohegan Tribe, is one of the largest, most distinctive and spectacular entertainment, gaming, shopping and meeting destinations in the United States. Situated on 240 acres along the Thames River in scenic southeastern Connecticut, Mohegan Sun is within easy access of New York, Boston, Hartford and Providence and located 15 minutes from the museums, antique shops and waterfront of Mystic Country. More information is available by calling the Asian Marketing hotline1.877.999.9977 or visiting