Michael Cudlitz, who plays Sergeant Abraham Ford on the hit show The Walking Dead, visits Mohegan Sun on Saturday, January 16th for a Reality Check event.
Saturday, January 16th
Live Q&A – 7:00pm
Free Signing – 7:30pm
The Shops at Mohegan Sun

IN DETAIL: Star of The Walking Dead, Michael Cudlitz, makes a special appearance in The Shops concourse as part of Mohegan Sun’s Reality Check. The acclaimed actor who plays Sergeant Abraham Ford in the hit horror series The Walking Dead greets fans on January 16th with a live Q&A at 7:00pm followed by a signing at 7:30pm.

Participation is one a first-come first-served basis. Due to time restrictions, Michael Cudlitz will only be signing one piece of memorabilia or the headshot given out at the event per person. There will be no personal photos or photo personalization.  This event is bracelet-only.  Bracelets will be distributed at 5:00pm at the signing area in The Shops concourse. Participants must have a bracelet in order to gain entry into the signing line.

Mohegan Sun, owned by the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, is one of the largest, most spectacular entertainment, gaming, dining and shopping destinations in the United States. Situated on 185 acres along the Thames River in scenic southeastern Connecticut, Mohegan Sun is home to three unique casinos, a 34-story, 1,200 room luxury hotel, a world-class spa and golf course, over 85 shops, restaurants and bars as well as three award-winning entertainment venues including a 10,000-seat Arena. Mohegan Sun is within easy access of New York, Boston, Hartford and Providence and located 15 minutes from the museums, antique shops and waterfront of Mystic Country.  More information is available by calling 1.888.226.7711 or visiting mohegansun.com. Connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and view us on YouTube.
